Monday 7 December 2009

Questionaire Sample

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Pitch 1 : Blind Date (main idea)

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Jane is looking for love and can’t seem to find it anywhere; she sets herself up on a dating website hoping to find Mr right on there. She gets a few messages on the website and decides to set up dates with the three men she is most matched to but they are all Mr Wrong. She tells them all to meet her at the same place on different days of the week We get to see through Jane’s view how all the dates go and she narrates us through them with her thoughts, we get to know what she feels about their looks, dress sense, personality and most importantly to Jane the mans sparkling eyes. All of Jane’s dates are flops and after the fourth date she decides she is done with looking for love and sits in the cafĂ©/bar with her head held in her hands. Just as she says these words the cute new waiter comes over to offer her another drink, he asks Jane why she looks so down and as Jane sits and tells him the chemistry can be clearly seen. When the waiter, Joe, asks Jane on a date the next day Jane thinks he is taking pity on her but as she finds out on the date, they really fall for each other. Jane’s moral is that if you stop looking for love, love will find you.

Pitch 2 : Love triangle

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Pitch 3 : Down on one knee

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Pitch 4 : Beauty and Geek

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Friday 4 December 2009

Box office

Romantic comedies (which comes under comedies on the UK film council table) was the highest in the box office charts in Ireland and UK in 2008. The top scoring films was Sex an the City. Rom - coms made around 222.4 (£ million) in the box office selling tickets. They also released the most films that year out of all the genres showing there is a demand for them in the cinema. Romantic comedies takes up 23.8% of the gross of box office (Purple). Some of the films that take up the top twenty UK films in the UK box office from 1999 - 2008 are romantic comedies e.g. at number 11. Bridget Jones's Diary, 13 Love Actually, 15. Bridget Jones's: The Edge of Reason, 17 Notting Hill. These are the films that if you ask what films are romantic comedies most would say the names of these films. I the All time top 10 independent UK films the highest film was Four Weddings and a Funeral which is a romantic comedy. This shows what a high demand romantic comedies are this also show that romantic comedies do better in the independent film category than at the box office this could be because it is simple and do not have all the dramatic effect of script that Hollywood use and the audience can connect with the film.

Thematic Convention

thematic conventions is something that is in every romantic comedy. there are different thematic cenventions which are like messages and morals learned in the film.

some examples

- love can conquer all this could be used in a sad romantic comedy or in a happy one.
e.g. sad - a partner has died find love in his best friend
e.g. happy - a woman happy working but finds love while grocery shopping

- self belief finding strength and gaining confidence through love long term or short term romance.
e.g. shy girl who was bullied has no confidence finds love at new job and gains confidence

- meaning of love finding out that love is fun, laughter, pain, tears, romance and unpredictable.
e.g. someone who thinks love is for young people finds love from someone who is not her type makes her feel young again

Narrative Conventions


> Man and woman overcoming difficulties and coming together at the end. (with each other, death of a loved one)

> Happy Ending - whether man and woman get together
- or they find themselves with help of each other but do not remain together

> journey of love (marriage, family, heartache) the audience follows the characters journey and see how they develop as a person

> love story main focus

> the characters you may see: Divorce, Bachelor, Lads lad, Feminist, Quiet one, Loud outspoken, Posh and Common. this helps the story ne more belivable or more dream like they help define what the story is about or change how a person may react to a situation or a comment.

> Tears - Park meeting
- Wedding
- Heartbreak
- Birth of new child
- Divorce

Generic Conventions


- Day and night
- Real life
- Girl meets boy
- Beautiful people (who may be made up to look ugly)
- Man and woman sharply defined
- Contrast between leading characters (poor and rich, celebrity and non celebrity, football fan and rugby fan, culture)
- Sometimes a male point of view mainly female
- Empathy, Sympathy of Characters
- Passion and emotion
- Leading lady, leading man
- Love

Cinematic codes and conventions

* Rain when characters are sad, the rain is tears of the person or to wash away the pain. It could also be used when a character has over come something to wash away the old them to begin a new life.

* Leaves falling when meeting could represent shedding of old life ready to begin new one.

* Time slowing down when seeing an ex or the person they love. If it is seeing the person they love could show the fact the world is going on even though they are stood still.

12A Guidelines

12A is only used for films in cinemas. This means that those younger than twelve can watch the film if accompanied by an adult.

In a 12A there are mature themes like love and sex which may be implied by sexual references. there maybe nudity but it is concise. Sexual activity maybe brief and discreet which gives the impression of what maybe going to happen.

There is strong language but not a lot. Violence can be used but has to have a short scene there should not be much blood or showing of any injuries in detail. Sexual violence must only be implied but if shown it must be short.

There maybe a misuse of drugs may have a brief showing or hinted at the idea of drug use.

E.g of what you may see on a romantic comedy

" contains moderate strong, language, drug and sex references"

"contains moderate sex references and language with maybe some partial nudity"

"contains sexual activity/innuendo"

"contains mild language and sexual references"

12A has the second highest amount of releases in the BBFC classification with 150 releases last year where as the 15 age rating coming on top with 193 releases. There has been a gentle rises in the amount of 12A releases in the UK and Ireland since 2007. 12A has been a top earner between 2001 - 2008 in the box office despite the lower releases than "15" . In the top 10 "12A" classified films Four Christmas came 9th in the chart.

continuity piece


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