Thursday 7 January 2010

Genre identification - pitch

the genre can be identified through the opening sequence because it is talking about romance and dealing with relationships. there is no blood and gore and there is no edge of the sit action tension.

Structure - pitch

* begins by checking her appearance in a mirror whilst legging on to dating website
* see her typing on the computer. camera becomes her eyes and we see what she is looking at a word document full of work - switched to retail site - switched to dating website
* overlappping screen where we see her replying to match request and the actual dat is playing on top
* last date doesn't show up (screen returns to proper focus) and we can shes given up trying to find Mr right
* then we are introduced to Joe, who is the waiter and comes and gives her a drink on the house
* we see them hitting it off and the camera zooms out and we leave the story

some changes had to be made

Locations - pitch

office or place with computers to recreate office

restaurant , cafe or bar for dates

(pictures not of actual locations)

no restaurant

Characters - pitch

name : jane
age : 24
personality: perfectionist - does not like a thing out of place make up and hair
hardworker - works to maintain a good image and always wants to achieve best
self control/responsible - never gets drunk or had a one night stad. never daring or wild
peseverance- persistant to find perfect love partner always has to check date website
routine - without routine she feels unstable and fears the unknown
likes : romantic candlight dinners
books - romance
expensive stuff
dislikes : uncleanliness
appearance : smartly dresses, minimal make up never out of place
job : office job only temperoy till she gets her nice rich husband to look after her which she becomes a housewife

Had to be edited out

name : joe
age : 25
personality: risk taker - hates routine has no fear for the unknown
loyal - always there whenever you need him even though likes taking risks
initiative - ready to lead things and know what a person wants even if dares them
independant- does not do what everyone tells him free spirit
easy going - likes to have a laugh takes life one step at a time
likes : adventure - rock climbing
going around the world exploring
coming unknown where to stay
dislikes : routine and rules
appearance : ungroomed
rough look - still attractive
job : instructor at local adventure centre/ barman

man 1 : teacher : boring reels off useless facts and always has to have the limelight and corrects mistakes you may make.

man 2 : holiday rep: he said he was a rich footballer talks about nothing but sports

man 3 : everything she wanted but never turned up so jane never found out

Questionaire analysis

from the questionnaire results we found out that most people watch romantic comedies. they prefer fun and happiness in a romantic comedy. they also would like to see love and a happy ending. so they prefer lighter romantic comedies than one with serious issues. more people preferred comedy than romance but people still want to see romance. the people we asked prefer to relate to the film more than escape so they can connect and feel empathy and sympathy towards the characters. the audience would like to see a comedian someone who doesn't take themselves seriously. they would then like to see someone who is wild and free knows how to have a good time. most chose not to have the main characters to be closer to their age to relate to then because they may feel they can relate to them if they were older so then it can deal with more serious issues. they may stereotype if younger characters. the people who took the questionnaire preferred to be surprised by the storyline and not have a obvious storyline which is predictable. the most popular romantic comedies is the classic (e.g. pretty woman 1990) which uses more cliche of romantic comedies and has lots of thematic comedies. more people preferred not to have a happy ending, maybe because it is so predictable.

Monday 7 December 2009

Questionaire Sample

Click to enlarge

Pitch 1 : Blind Date (main idea)

Click to Enlarge

Jane is looking for love and can’t seem to find it anywhere; she sets herself up on a dating website hoping to find Mr right on there. She gets a few messages on the website and decides to set up dates with the three men she is most matched to but they are all Mr Wrong. She tells them all to meet her at the same place on different days of the week We get to see through Jane’s view how all the dates go and she narrates us through them with her thoughts, we get to know what she feels about their looks, dress sense, personality and most importantly to Jane the mans sparkling eyes. All of Jane’s dates are flops and after the fourth date she decides she is done with looking for love and sits in the cafĂ©/bar with her head held in her hands. Just as she says these words the cute new waiter comes over to offer her another drink, he asks Jane why she looks so down and as Jane sits and tells him the chemistry can be clearly seen. When the waiter, Joe, asks Jane on a date the next day Jane thinks he is taking pity on her but as she finds out on the date, they really fall for each other. Jane’s moral is that if you stop looking for love, love will find you.